Year: 2018

How to Setup your Website with a free SSL Certificate

How to Setup your Website with a free SSL Certificate

Security is a must these days and if you have spent as much time as I have on your blog, then you want to ensure that it is safe for your visitors to come to you and submit information, safe in the knowledge that it is protected and secure. Also as a blogger, traffic is […]

How to Get The Most Out of DesignEvo Logo Maker

How to Get The Most Out of DesignEvo Logo Maker

If you are looking for a service that makes logo building experience quick and easy for a user who knows nothing about logo designing tips. The online app we introduced today is the one turning your business idea come to life shortly. The whole designing experience of DesignEvo is straightforward from start to finish. Basically, […]

Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter

Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter

I have been using a physical computer for some time to run some automated programs that I use. However, that physical computer is now not in good shape and needs to be replaced. The problem is though, I have years of customised scripts, sequences and environment variables that I obviously do not want to lose and […]

How City Safety Technology Is Improving Road Safety

How City Safety Technology Is Improving Road Safety

In 2015 alone, there were nearly 200,000 road-related casualties in the UK. The recent resolution of Dashcam and Sat Nav issues have helped improve road safety. However, City Safety Technology, which is currently being incorporated into Volvo’s designs, has already reduced accident claims by almost one third. The technology is likely to reduce crashes and save lives in […]

VMWare ESX 6.0 Serial Number Activation

VMWare ESX 6.0 Serial Number Activation

If you have setup VMWare ESX you will find that it defaults to the evaluation version giving you 60 days of unlimited use. But, how do you apply your serial number? We have created a quick video below to help you with this easy process: Video Walkthrough – How to activate VMWare ESXi Serial When […]

The All Time Greatest Football Games Ever to Be Played

The All Time Greatest Football Games Ever to Be Played

Football games have been in existence ever since video games have, and each year more and more realistic ones have been developed. You can now play a football management game, play video games where you are controlling the players in a match or even play football slot games like Soccer Safari. But with all the […]

How Help Desk Software Has Transformed Customer Service

How Help Desk Software Has Transformed Customer Service

Before help desk software, employees answered incoming calls with limited line capacity for receiving multiple calls at the same time. Putting down their mug of Joe, they’d take the call and hastily scribble notes on a notepad as fast as the caller was speaking. Trying to make sense of the scribbles after the call was […]

Removal of MSI Installers and 3rd Party Logos

Removal of MSI Installers and 3rd Party Logos

As a few of ready noticed and contacted us about, you will have seen that we have today had to remove our MSI installers for products such as Java, Skype and Notepad++ This is because our hosting company has contacted us after they had received official complaints from lawyers demanding that we remove them from […]

Organization security policies block unauthenticated access

Organization security policies block unauthenticated access

Introduction Are you trying to access a network share using unauthenticated user credentials? – in simple terms, are you trying to access a network share without using a username and password? If you are, you may run into a problem as Windows 10 does not like you doing this! Assuming that you are trying to […]

4 Things You Didn’t Know About PCB Designers

4 Things You Didn’t Know About PCB Designers

Printed circuit boards are used all over the STEM industry as the basis of many different products. The people that design these printed circuit boards are very skilled and often use advanced software to create the perfect product. Here, we are going to discuss some of the things that you might not already know about […]

Group Policy Admin Templates Catalog

Group Policy Admin Templates Catalog

Group Policy is an awesome tool for IT Departments to ensure that their end user computers have the correct enforcement settings on them. It also ensures that company policies are met while also helping to keep security measures in place. The wide range of policies available to IT Departments via Group Policy, means that computers […]

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