SCCM – Create a device collection based on Exchange Server role

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Following on from our recent posts for Configuration Manager collection queries, we have another one here for all devices that are Microsoft Exchange servers. Go ahead and create a new device collection and then use this query: select * from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_SERVICE on SMS_G_System_SERVICE.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_SERVICE.Name like “Microsoft Exchange%” Save the […]

Exchange – Hide Contacts from Address Book


If you have mail contacts in your Exchange environment then you may want to hide them from your global address book if you are using them as forwarders. To do this, open up Exchange Management Shell (EMS) and run the following command: Get-MailContact -OrganizationalUnit “ADOU” | Set-MailContact -hiddenfromaddresslistsenabled $true where: “ADOU” = Organisational Unit $true […]

Exchange – Get Dynamic Distribution Group Individual Members Email Addresses


If you are using Exchange in our organisation and have dynamic distribution groups, you may want to get all the information about the individual users within these distribution groups and also list their email addresses. To do this, open up an Exchange Management Shell console and run the following script: $group = Get-DynamicDistributionGroup –identity “yourDL” […]

Exchange – Export Contacts to PST using Powershell

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If you want to export a users set of contacts from Exchange directly into a PST file using Powershell, then you can run this command using Exchange Management Shell (EMS): export-mailbox -id User1 -includefolders ‘contacts’ -pstfolderpath C:User1.pst Where: User1 = the mailbox that you want to export from C:User1.pst = the PST filename where you want […]