How Voice of the Customer Technology is Revolutionizing Customer Support in Tech Industries


In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, understanding and meeting customer expectations has never been more critical. The tech industry, in particular, faces the dual challenge of innovating rapidly while ensuring that these innovations genuinely meet the needs and desires of their users. This is where Voice of the Customer (VoC) technology emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing […]

Businesses Are Starting to Text Their Customers — Is This a Good Thing?

A man in a suit with a red tie stands in the foreground holding a smartphone, likely texting customers, while a woman sits at a cafe table in the background, looking at her own phone.

“Commercial texting” has an odd ring to it, but the concept makes sense. Business owners can take advantage of text messaging to contact customers about deals, sales and other promotional items. Texting represents a simple way to stay in touch with customers. Why go through the complex hassles of costly marketing schemes when texting does […]