SCCM Asset Intelligence & Software Licensing Usage

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This guide details how to add Products into the General Licence Statement to match up licence usages using Asset Intelligence. What this means is that you can then use Asset Intelligence reports to see what your corporate software licence usages are against what you actually have purchased. Instructions Open the Configuration Manager console. Go into […]

SCCM – SQL Query for showing number of different Operating Systems

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If you would like to create a report to show you the number of different Operating System’s you have, you can use this script below which should provide you with the information for Servers and the various Windows OS’s. Query SELECT CASE WHEN Caption0 LIKE ‘%XP%’ THEN ‘XP’ WHEN Caption0 LIKE ‘%Windows 7%’ THEN ‘Windows […]

Renew a Self Signed Certificate on an Exchange Server 2007

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If you are using an Exchange system and have self signed certificates, every year you will have to renew the certificate. An expired certificate may cause problems such as connectivity to web services, SMTP transport and Outlook prompting certificate security warnings which is extremely annoying for users and also can cause problems with Out of Office settings. To do this is very […]