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Cisco VPN Client Fix – Instructions

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Windows 10 Instructions

First of all you need to download our VPN fix package for Windows 10 which you can download using the link below:

Download Cisco VPN Fix Package

You also need to ensure that you have the Cisco VPN Client installer.

Once you have these you should extract the VPN fix package which will give you the following utilities:

  • WinFix.exe – Windows Fixup for DNE
  • DNEUpdatex86.msi – DNE Updater for x86 Operating Systems (Provided by Citrix)
  • DNEUpdatex64.msi – DNE Updater for x64 Operating Systems (Provided by Citrix)
  • CiscoVPNClientFixx64.exe – Cisco VPN Client Fix for x64 Operating Systems (Provided by TechyGeeksHome)
  • CiscoVPNClientFixx86.exe – Cisco VPN Client Fix for x86 Operating Systems (Provided by TechyGeeksHome)

You have to run these utilities in a particular order to enable this to work. So, identify the architecture of the operating system you are using, for this guide we will use x64.

Run the WinFix.exe utility first and you will be presented with a box like this:


You should click on the Start Windows Fixup button to start the process, once completed you will get a message in the utility like this:


You can then move on to installing the DNE Update utility. So double click the DNEUpdatex64.msi and you will see a standard installation wizard like the one below:


You can then go ahead and install the Cisco VPN Client which should now install without any problems – but ensure that you use the MSI file to start the install process, NOT the EXE file.

However, this is not the end of the process as the VPN Client, although successfully installed, will not actually connect to your VPN profiles.

So, to fix this issue, you should now install the Cisco VPN Client Fix x64.msi (x64 operating system) or Cisco VPN Client Fix x86.msi (x86 operating system) again just running through all the wizard defaults.

Once this is complete, you should reboot your computer. Then you should be able to fire up your Cisco VPN Client and connect to your VPN profiles without any trouble!


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