Windows 10 – Changing Default Browser Bug Fix


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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

If you are using Windows 10 then you will know that Microsoft‘s new web browser, Edge, is set as the default browser for the operating system. But if you want to change it then it should be pretty simple right? well it turns out, not quite…

It seems that there is a bug when trying to change the default web browser directly from Edge to Google Chrome, it ends up not setting one at all. So to work around this issue, see our guide below.


If you go into Default App Settings you will see that Microsoft Edge is the default:

Microsoft Edge
Click to enlarge

Click on this and then select Internet Explorer:

Internet explorer
Click to enlarge

You will then be asked if you are sure you want to switch and why not try Edge – ignore this and click on Switch anyway:

Switch anyway
Click to enlarge

When you do this, you will now see that it has accepted Internet Explorer as its default browser:

Internet Explorer
Click to enlarge

This means that you can now go ahead and change it again to be Google Chrome:

Google Chrome
Click to enlarge













It will then keep Google Chrome as your new default browser:

Google Chrome
Click to enlarge


If you have any questions or feedback on this guide, please feel free to leave us a message below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Windows 10 – Changing Default Browser Bug Fix

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