Adobe Updates via Windows Updates

As you may have seen on some of my previous posts, you can update Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader X via Windows Updates using SCUP through WSUS/SCCM.  This stops the annoying pop-ups for users especially when they can’t install updates if they have not got local admin rights – just like standard Windows Updates, this process will take care of …

Adobe Updates via Windows Updates Read More

Install drivers by computer model using WMI query during SCCM OSD Task Sequence

You can install drivers by computer model using a WMI script during the SCCM OSD task sequence. This means that when you deploy an image, the target machine will always get the full and correct drivers for the model, rather than getting mismatched drivers. This also speeds up the deployment process. To do this is very easy and all you need …

Install drivers by computer model using WMI query during SCCM OSD Task Sequence Read More

Setting Computer Name automatically during OSD Process using SCCM and MDT

We have been looking into getting our OSD process to automatically change the computer name to what we want it to be for a while now but never really had much luck with it. Reading various forums and blogs, many people have said to use WSNAME and many others saying use scripts, all of which never seemed to quite work …

Setting Computer Name automatically during OSD Process using SCCM and MDT Read More

SCCM Task Sequence failed due to package associated to the task sequence cannot be found

If you get an issue when trying to load a task sequence and you get the message that a package associated to the task sequence cannot be found, even when it looks like all packages are fully distributed, then you need to check out the SMSTSLog.log file that is on the machine that you are trying to deploy the task …

SCCM Task Sequence failed due to package associated to the task sequence cannot be found Read More

Deploying and registering OCX files using ConfigMgr 2012

I’ve been asked about deploying and registering OCX files, well this is how we do ours… Copy the INF and OCX files to a readily available location on the network. Also create two batch files (give the extension name of .cmd) with the following in each: Batch file 1 (File Copy): xcopy LOCATION_OF_FILES*.* “c:WindowsDownloaded Program Files” /e /c /i /g …

Deploying and registering OCX files using ConfigMgr 2012 Read More

How to deploy certificates for custom WSUS updates to client machines

As per previous posts on the blog for custom updates using WSUS, you have to make sure that your environment is set up correctly to allow these custom (local) updates to install on client machines. To make this work, you need to export your WSUS/SCUP self-signed certificate and make sure it is applied to all machines using Group Policy. There …

How to deploy certificates for custom WSUS updates to client machines Read More

SharePoint and Acrobat Reader X Integration

Introduction In this guide, we’ll explore the integration between SharePoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader X, focusing on enhancing productivity by streamlining document management. This is particularly useful for teams collaborating on various projects. Steps to Integrate Best Practices FAQ Q: Why is my document not saving back to SharePoint? A: Ensure that your SharePoint credentials are up-to-date and you have …

SharePoint and Acrobat Reader X Integration Read More