SharePoint and Acrobat Reader X Integration

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes


In this guide, we’ll explore the integration between SharePoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader X, focusing on enhancing productivity by streamlining document management. This is particularly useful for teams collaborating on various projects.

Steps to Integrate

  1. Install Acrobat Reader X: Ensure you have the latest version of Acrobat Reader X installed on your device.
  2. Enable SharePoint Integration: Within Acrobat Reader X, go to Edit > Preferences > SharePoint Integration and enable the integration.
  3. Accessing SharePoint Documents:
    • Open Acrobat Reader X.
    • Navigate to File > Open.
    • In the open dialog box, select Open from Online Account and choose SharePoint.
    • Enter your SharePoint site URL and login credentials to access the documents.
  4. Editing and Saving Documents:
    • Open the document you need from SharePoint.
    • Make the necessary edits using Acrobat Reader X.
    • Save the changes directly back to the SharePoint site by clicking Save or Save As.

Best Practices

  • Document Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming conventions for your documents.
  • Version Control: Make sure to enable version control in SharePoint to keep track of document revisions.
  • Access Permissions: Review and manage access permissions regularly to ensure only authorized personnel can edit or view documents.


Q: Why is my document not saving back to SharePoint? A: Ensure that your SharePoint credentials are up-to-date and you have the necessary permissions to edit the document.

Q: Can I use Acrobat Reader X on mobile devices to access SharePoint documents? A: Yes, Acrobat Reader X is available for mobile devices, and you can access SharePoint documents using the same steps.


Integrating SharePoint with Acrobat Reader X simplifies the workflow for document management, making it easier to access, edit, and save documents. By following the steps outlined and adopting best practices, you can enhance your team’s productivity and collaboration.

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