Few Of The Slideshow Video Making Mistakes That Can Be Avoided Easily


Slideshows are an interesting way to present something creatively. The integration of photos or videos is an excellent way of storytelling. It generates interest amongst the audience. Putting together a video or a picture slideshow brings out a compelling story, but some basic mistakes can ruin all the effort.  At times, people make inevitable mistakes […]

Are Ventilators a Help or a Harm to COVID Patients?

Doctor in green scrubs

If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, you’ll know that there have been mixed reports about whether ventilators are proving effective in the treatment of COVID-19. They’re often represented as the last hope for patients who have experienced respiratory side effects as a result of the virus, and are battling dangerously low oxygen […]

How to Ensure Ongoing Business Growth

business report growth chart

The natural trajectory of a well-established business with a strong business plan and value proposition is growth. However, sometimes business leaders are either too hasty or too complacent when it comes to scripting business growth. Jumping early on the growth bandwagon when your business still lacks a solid foundation can prove costly. Similarly, not having […]

The influence of technology on dating for older people

elderly couple sat down on a bench

All over the world, modern technological processes have changed even the lives of conservative elderly people. According to the experts of this site, seniors are increasingly used social media and dating sites to find old acquaintances or new love stories. Yet, what are the far-reaching implications of using these websites for older people? This question […]

Fleet Tracking System: Why Is It Important?

blurred motion of illuminated railroad station in city

Most companies and businesses have several operational vehicles. Consequently, there is a need to keep track of the vehicles. Keeping proper track of the fleets will ensure proper maintenance, effective management, and reduced operational cost.  It is practically impossible to physically move around with all vehicles in a bid to keep track. However, this burden […]