Shoretel Contacts Importer v2.0 Released

Shoretel Orange and Black Logo

UPDATE: Shoretel Contacts Importer v3.0 is now available – click the Downloads button above to obtain ================================================================ We are pleased to announce the release of Shoretel Contacts Importer version 2.0. This is an update to our previous version which can be found below with full instructions and details on what functions this program carries out. DOWNLOADS INSTRUCTIONS […]

Shoretel Communicator Contacts Enabler Install & MSI File Now Released

Shoretel Orange and Black Logo

We are pleased to announce the release of the installer and MSI files for our Shoretel Communicator Contacts Enabler program. The program was originally released as a standalone utility and that program can be downloaded for free here: Shoretel Contacts Importer v1.1 The latest version is version 3.0 which can be downloaded for free below: […]