Six-Step Guide to Improving Project Performance

Six-Step Guide to Improving Project Performance

Projects bring your company profit. So to make sure that your company is successful, you need to optimize your project approach. While many businesses swear by the old, tried-and-true methods, modern ones use technology and contemporary business management styles to enhance productivity. While tools can only help you get your employee on the right track, […]

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Software Outsourcing Partner

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Software Outsourcing Partner

Insufficient research, vague requirements, unclear communication, etc., can lead businesses to make the wrong choice. Though there are definitely pros and cons to IT outsourcing, it can greatly reduce costs and save a significant amount of time if done properly. However, choosing the wrong development partner could also result in subpar software quality, delayed releases, […]

Machine learning options for fraud detection in financial enterprises

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It was always not so easy to detect fraud. Accordingly, extremely many methods were used to achieve this and financial organizations tried to implement something new all the time. However, the results weren’t productive in each case. Later, a great solution for the problem was found. It was represented by the machine learning methods we […]

5 Ways to Increase Your Conversions on an E-Commerce Website


E-commerce continues to grow year after year, with the worldwide market projected to reach $27.15 trillion by 2027. If you’ve recently launched an e-commerce website or are planning to launch one soon, now is the perfect time! Moreover, launching an e-commerce website is not as easy as it seems. If you operate an e-commerce website, […]

Capstone Project Help: Tips for Completing Your Project Quickly and Easily

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Whether you’re a first-time student or a seasoned professional, you know that finishing a capstone project can be a daunting task. However, you can use plenty of efficient methods to get the job done quickly and easily. This article will look at some of the most effective methods. So, whether you’re a student looking to […]


person holding silver bitcoin coin

The volume of the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, the popularity of digital assets does not decrease, and the interest of investors grows, but the risks, unfortunately, still remain. First, they are connected with the key feature of virtual currencies — the instability of the exchange rates and the high level of volatility. However, there’s […]

How To Choose The Right Machine Learning Algorithm For Your Project

A digital representation of a head being projected from a smartphone held by a person, depicting technology concepts like augmented reality or machine learning.

Machine learning has been fundamental in developing apps that predict trends and movements. But what about things that are impossible to get right, like the weather? That’s what researchers at the Ohio State University set out to build recently. Their model uses what they call ‘next-generation reservoir computing.’ The details are complicated, as expected of […]