Adobe Flash Player MSI Package v32.0.0.207

Adobe have released an update to their Adobe Flash Player software, this time taking it up to version As always, you can download the executable file but if you want the MSI files so that you can load it into your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or deploy via Group Policy, then you can download

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The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your App

Understanding KPIs KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. There are many KPIs which determine how effective a given application is. Some are going to be more telling than others, and getting the balance right is essential. This brief writing will go over several KPIs which are worth carefully monitoring to determine best operational effectiveness. Cloud

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5 tips on how to improve your Instagram engagement

With a updated algorithm and many brands competing for exposure, it’s not an easy task to increase Instagram engagement all by yourself. Instagram allows you to gain a loyal following community, supports your business and runs a competitive marketplace. Take a look at what NFL is doing at the moment for the 2019/2020 campaign. The American sports

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Removing WordPress Plugins

As you may have noticed, over the last week we have made some dramatic changes to our blog as a whole. This has included a complete change of theme, even moving to a paid “Pro” version theme and a lot of speed and code optimisation. The one thing that was really bugging us though was

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