Outlook Certificate Autodiscovery Error

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Estimated reading time: 1 minutes


If you are using Microsoft Outlook client to retrieve your Microsoft based email, then you may have started to receive an error about the certificate not being valid.

The pop up alert that you receive may look something like this:

Outlook Certificate Autodiscovery Error 1

The reason for this seems to be that Microsoft are now using outlook.com for their certificate:

Outlook Certificate Autodiscovery Error 2

So whats the fix?

Looking for answers from Microsoft, we have gathered that (surprise, surprise) there was a cock-up and the older email domains of:

  • @hotmail.com
  • @live.com
  • @msn.com
  • @passport.com
  • @passport.net

had not been correctly allocated to a certificate.

This issue has supposedly been rectified now, however, if you are still getting this issue, the advice is to ensure that all your Windows and Office updates are fully installed and up to date and it is still persists, delete your email profile (Control Panel > Mail) and re-enter it.


If you have any questions or feedback on this guide, please feel free to drop us a message below in the comments section.

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Outlook Certificate Autodiscovery Error

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