We are happy to release a new download for Notepad++ version 8.6.4 for 64-bit Windows.

This release specifically caters to 64-bit Windows users. To ensure convenient installation and usage across various deployment systems such as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MEMCM), MDT, and Group Policy, we have developed a custom MSI package. The language used in this package is UK English.

This is a completely clean installer, there are no adverts, no pop-ups, no redirections to our or any other website on either install, repair or uninstall. Just a nice clean MSI installer for Notepad++.


You can grab the download from our download page below.

MSI Switches

To use this MSI installer, you can either just double-click it to run, but you probably want to run it partially or fully silent. To do this, you can use the following MSI switches.

  • /qb+! – automated installation, but will show the progress screen
  • /norestart – does not allow the installation to restart the end-user device
  • /q – Fully Silent with no dialog box

Demonstration of the Install Process

We have created a video to show the full download, extraction and installation process of this MSI installer which you can see below.

Previous Versions

If you are looking for an older version of Notepad++, then you can take a look at our page for all the Notepad++ installers we have using the link below:


Review and Feedback

We would really appreciate any reviews you can post about this MSI installer in the comments section to show that it is safe to use for others visiting this download page.

If you have any feedback for us on ideas to improve or anything we should add, please leave us a comment and we will take it into consideration for future releases.


Why create this MSI installer for Notepad++

The reason is that the developer of Notepad++ does not offer an MSI installer for it.

How is it created?

It is created using the zip extraction of the files required to run Notepad++. These files are direct from the developer and are safe.

Are there any other versions?

We have created some versions in the past, but our aim is to try and keep up to date from now on and release the MSI versions of the installers soon after the developer releases a new version of Notepad++

Is the MSI installer safe?

Yes. The MSI installer is completely safe. We have not added any ad wraps, viruses, malware, popups or redirects in the installer. You can see from the video demo that it is just a straightforward installation.

Is there a x86 version?

No. Most systems should really be running x64 operating systems these days, so it is not worth the effort to put in the work to create a 32-bit installer.

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By Andrew Armstrong

Founder of TechyGeeksHome and Head Editor for over 15 years! IT expert in multiple areas for over 26 years. Sharing experience and knowledge whenever possible! Making IT Happen.

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