Exchange Toolkit Panel Released

Exchange Toolkit

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

We are delighted to announce the release of a new program from TechyGeeksHome called Exchange Toolkit Panel.

This program has been custom designed by us to help Exchange Administrators to have quick and easy access to much of the functionality in Exchange Management Console.

This is a version 1.1 release (version 1.0 was for private testing) but we have big plans for this program going forward by eventually adding Powershell scripting into it in future releases.

The program currently supports the following versions of Exchange:

  • Exchange 2007
  • Exchange 2010
  • Exchange 2013
  • Exchange 2016

It will also run on the following Operating Systems:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10

The program runs as a very handy standalone executable requiring no installations so can be kept on a USB stick if you want.

Download Exchange Toolkit

Download Exchange Toolkit Panel


Please note that you must have Exchange Management Console on the machine that you are using this program on for it to work. It also assumes that your EMC is installed in the following location:

C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange Server

You must also run the program as an Exchange Administrator to gain access to the various settings.

You must have Dot Net 4.6 installed for it to run.








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Exchange Toolkit Panel Released

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