Console or PC – Which Is Better for Gaming?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Everyone needs technology, despite the fact that we have different goals. Someone needs to work, someone likes to play live roulette and someone for constant games. Especially avid gamers. Moreover, the choice between technology, namely between a gaming computer and a console, is a constant topic for novice gamers, since experienced players already know exactly what is best for them. In this short but extremely helpful and constructive article, we will help you pinpoint this issue.

Let’s first compare the computer and the game console, noting the pros and cons of each solution. Then we will analyze the question of choosing between Xbox and PlayStation, for those who stopped at the console in the previous step.

Console or PC

For inexperienced players, the choice between a console and a computer ultimately comes down not to a comparison of features, but to a question of convenience and budget.

Financial Question

As for the budget, a good gaming computer that will run all modern games for at least 3-5 years will cost at least twice the price of a console, and taking into account the rise in the price of video cards, maybe three times.

Console or PC - Which Is Better for Gaming? 1

But, this does not make the choice so obvious, since the owner of the console will have to seriously spend money on games, get ready to shell out $ 70-80 for new hits and $ 20-30 for smaller projects and subscriptions. In general, the budget needs to include expenses of $ 50-100 per month for games.

Technical Question

The time has already passed when game consoles were significantly inferior in graphics quality and frame rate to powerful computers. On the one hand, the hardware of the consoles has improved, on the other hand, games are well optimized for consoles.

Modern game consoles provide 60 fps at 4K resolution, which only a powerful gaming PC can do that costs three times the price of a console. At the same time, the console is guaranteed to pull all future games developed for it, while there is no such guarantee on a PC.

Ergonomics and Gaming Experience

In terms of convenience, everything is individual – someone will be better off working and playing on the computer at their desk, while the wife or children will watch TV. For those who do not spend a lot of time sitting at a computer, it may be the other way around – it is more convenient to stretch out on the couch, playing on the TV screen.

Console or PC - Which Is Better for Gaming? 2

PlayStation or Xbox

Disputes over which is better – PS or Xbox have been going on since time immemorial, but in fact, the difference between them is not significant. Yes, some consoles come out a little more powerful, some, on the contrary, then with the new generation the positions change, but this does not play any role, since they all cope with their tasks.

Comparison of Gamepads

On a separate battlefield, adherents of gamepads collide, arguing about which one is better and more convenient, this already matters more. The Xbox controller is larger and more comfortable for larger hands, but for kids, it won’t be a problem.

The Sony gamepad is smaller and it is a little less comfortable to hold it with large hands, but again not critical.

In favor of the Sony gamepad, there are arguments that it is more advanced in technical terms – it has tactile sensors, a speaker, a microphone, and in the latest version it also has a vibrating hammer with variable pressing force. 

On the Xbox side – time-tested simplicity and convenience, less stick wear, twice the autonomy, and a wide selection of power sources (finger batteries or rechargeable batteries, branded battery, third-party battery with a charging station).

However, choosing a console based on a gamepad is not quite the right, and more often than not, the wrong way. The main thing is what you will play and how much it will cost you.

So What to Choose

As a conclusion, we briefly summarize all of the above. If you want to play mostly for free or love shooters, then build a powerful gaming PC. If you want to separate work and games, or you are already tired of everything, you want something new – your choice is the console. On a tight budget, it’s best to opt for the Xbox with its excellent subscription. If the price of the games does not bother you, then focus on the exclusives that you prefer.

In principle, many games from the Xbox will be released on the PC, they can be played on the computer. And for something unusual, the PlayStation is better suited. Many gambling gamers have both consoles and the only question is which one to buy first. The best solution would be to purchase the console first, which is not expected to be updated anytime soon.

Don’t skimp on the low prices of previous generation consoles, always buy the latest version. If an even newer one is expected, it is better to wait for a little. This way you will get a better device with improved performance, fixes for major bugs, and support for new exclusive games.

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