Google Adsense Gadget for Google Sites

A logo representing a Google AdSense error.
Total Downloads2960
Total Files1
Last Updated5 May 2024
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5 Replies to “Google Adsense Gadget for Google Sites”

  1. The ‘Google Adsense Gadget for Google Sites’ process returns ‘The gadget you added is not valid
    Unsupported feature: org.apache.shindig.common.xml.XmlException: Open quote is expected for attribute “rel” associated with an element type “link”. At: (1,1497)’ – any pointers gratefully rcvd.

  2. how to easily paste ad code in google page

  3. Visitor Rating: 3 Stars

  4. Andrew Armstrong says: Reply

    Visitor Rating: 5 Stars

  5. Visitor Rating: 1 Stars

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