SCCM Collection Query for Devices with specific software installed and version or below [2023 Updated]


If you need to identify machines with specific software installed on a device but would also like to know whether they have a certain version of the stated software or below, then you can use the below query. This can help with software upgrades to identify machines that have not yet been upgraded. SCCM Collection […]

SCCM – Hardware and Client Version SQL Query


If you are looking for a SQL query to pull back hardware inventory information and the SCCM client version, then you can use the below to pull all this information together. SELECT S.Name0 as Name, S.Client_Version0 as [Cient Version], OS.Caption0 as [Operating System], CS.Manufacturer0 as Manufacturer, CS.Model0 as Model, PB.SMBIOSBIOSVersion0 as BIOS, PR.Name0 as CPU, […]

SCCM Collection based on Active Directory Organisation Unit (OU) Membership

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You may want to create a Configuration Manager Collection based upon an Active Directory Organisation Unit. To do this you can use the following WQL code and then simply amend the last part to be the Organisation Unit that you want to base the Collection on: SELECT SMS_R_USER.ResourceID, SMS_R_USER.ResourceType, SMS_R_USER.Name, SMS_R_USER.UniqueUserName, SMS_R_USER.WindowsNTDomain FROM SMS_R_User WHERE […]