Mozilla Firefox v69.0b8 MSI Installer

If you would like to distribute Mozilla Firefox using Group Policy, WDS or SCCM, then you will probably appreciate having the MSI installer to do this. As you are probably aware by now, there is a website that build and distribute the MSI installers for Firefox. There is an archive of available MSI installers but

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Best Smart Home Technology in 2019

Staying on the cutting edge of technology is something most people are passionate about. Over the past few years, smart home gadgets have become extremely popular. In fact, experts predict that nearly 500 billion smart home devices will be sold and shipped this year. If you are in the process of making your home more

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VLC Player v3.0.7 MSI Installers Released

We believe that VLC Player is the best media player available on the internet at the moment and has been for some time, but there is no MSI installer for it. MSI installers can be used easily for distribution using systems like Configuration Manager, WDS or Group Policy. So, we have taken the standalone version

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Design a Logo Tutorial: 5 Tips for Beginners

Take a second and think of a company. Any company! What comes to mind first? If you’re like most people, you’re imagining the log of the company you picked. People are really good at identifying visuals, and logos really stick in the mind. If you’re curious, the companies with the most recognizable logos are Nike, Apple, and

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