Office 365 reporting is a breeze with Promodag

Operating and maintaining effective business IT infrastructure often means taking a step back to review all functions and investigate ways to increase efficiencies, while gaining additional insight and building a reliable audit trail. The Office 365 reports generated by Promodag offer all these benefits and more… About Office 365 reports from Promodag One major benefit

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The Evolution of Gaming Consoles

An entire history of gaming consoles would a massive undertaking to put on paper – while most people are aware of Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, and Xbox, there have in fact been over 900 home video game consoles, released between 1972 until now. In fact, the largest amount of home game consoles was released during the

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Snake as a video game genre

The snake video game genre has so many things going in its favour, it’s no surprise that snake games remain incredibly popular. The snake game genre has its roots in a 1976 arcade game, called Blockade. This game was intended for two players, as both players would control their own snakes. The objective was to

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