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Annabel Johnson

Part time gamer, reviewer and blogger. Full time geek and tech expert!

adult biology chemical chemist

The Future of Healthcare Technology: How Telemedicine and Wearable Devices are Revolutionizing Patient Care

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. In recent years, advancements in healthcare technology have brought about significant changes in the way patients receive medical care. Two of the most exciting innovations are telemedicine and wearable devices. With telemedicine, patients can access medical services remotely and receive treatment in the comfort of their…

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white cloudy blue sky

How Cloud Services are Transforming the Way We Work Together

In today’s fast-paced digital world, we constantly seek new ways to improve our work, connect, and collaborate. Enter cloud services. These powerful, flexible tools have revolutionized how we approach teamwork, communication, and productivity. In this article, we’ll explore how cloud services transform how we work together and why they’re essential for modern businesses. Embracing the…

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person giving fruit to another

Automating Customer Service: How Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Can Help You Enhance Your Support Operations

Customer service is a key component of any business. It’s how you build relationships with your customers, and it’s a major factor in their decision to continue doing business with you. However, providing high-quality customer service can take time and effort. This is where automating your customer service operations can help. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer…

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A close-up image of a shiny golden cryptocurrency coin standing upright on a pile of coins against a blurred red and gray background.

Understanding the Legal Implications of Investing in Cryptocurrency

In this article, we’ll discuss the details of investing in Cryptocurrency to understand the legal implications to ensure you do everything right. Cryptocurrency, a digital or virtual currency that utilises cryptography for security, has been gaining significant popularity in recent years. Its decentralised nature and potential for high returns have attracted many investors, but investing…

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Understanding DevOps Culture and Its Impact on Development Acceleration and Optimization

The DevOps methodology aims to unify the workflows and processes of development and operations teams by integrating them, thus bridging the gap between the two. The term “DevOps” means derived from the words “development” and “operations,” and is essentially a philosophy relating to a culture, set of practices, and collaboration that encourages software delivery that…

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Four aces fanned out with colorful poker chips blurred in the background on a table, challenging myths about bad poker hands.

Debunking Myths About Bad Poker Hands

If you’re a poker player, you’ve likely heard your share of tall tales and misinformation about the game. But is there such a thing as “bad” poker hands? Surprisingly enough, many misconceptions come down to context and strategy rather than an inherent quality associated with specific card combinations. In this article, you will learn some…

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