SCSM – How to generate a strong name signature key file to seal a Management Pack

ssc 0

If you are using System Center Service Manager and creating custom management packs then you will want to seal them with a strong name signature. To do this, you will need to first of all generate the key file to allow you to use it when sealing your management pack.

You need to use the sn.exe tool which has to be run from the MicrosoftSDKs installation folder, the file location may slightly change depending what version you are using:

C:Program Files (x86)MicrosoftSDKsWindowsv6.0Abin

You then need to run the following command:

sn.exe -k C:tempfilename.snk


  • C:temp = directory location
  • filename.snk = filename of your key file

Now you have generated a strong name signature you can use it to seal your management pack.


If you have any questions or feedback on this guide, please feel free to leave us a comment below.


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