Month: January 2014

ConfigMgr SQL Query – ConfigMgr clients installed per AD Site

ConfigMgr SQL Query – ConfigMgr clients installed per AD Site

This query will give you the amount of ConfigMgr clients that are installed on machines per AD site. This can be run on your Configuration Manager SQL database or you can use it to build a custom report using SSRS. More Queries Our full range of SQL and WQL Collection queries are available here. Feedback If […]

Comments and Joining TechyGeeksHome as a Member

Comments and Joining TechyGeeksHome as a Member

As our website has continued to grow (now reaching 800,000 hits since we started in 2011), we have been seeing the downside of what increased traffic brings – Comment Spam! We have been receiving an absolute huge amount of spam comments lately across more than 200 of our posts and it is becoming simply too […]

IE9 Compatibility Mode Enabler Released

IE9 Compatibility Mode Enabler Released

We are pleased to announce the release of IE9 Compatibility Mode Enabler. This program has been designed for our own purposes but has proven such a help to us that we thought we would release it as freeware. What does it do? This program adds a registry entry onto your machine that tells Internet Explorer […]

SQL query for retrieving Site Roles from ConfigMgr Database

SQL query for retrieving Site Roles from ConfigMgr Database

If you want to retrieve the site roles from your ConfigMgr environment, you can use the following SQL query: select SiteCode, RoleName, ServerName from SysResList More Queries Our full range of SQL and WQL Collection queries are available here. Feedback If you have any questions or feedback about this post, or if you would like us […]

Advanced BootInforma Released

Advanced BootInforma Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Advanced BootInforma for Windows 7 and 8 machines. This is a Windows Operating System tweak that turns on the logging information when your machine is booting up, logging in and shutting down. What this actually shows you is the processes that are being carried out by your […]

Query for all machines with SQL installed using Installed Software

Query for all machines with SQL installed using Installed Software

If you wish to run a SQL query against your SCCM database to find all machines with SQL installed, then you can use this SQL query below: More SQL Queries Our full range of SQL and WQL Collection queries are available here. Feedback If you have any questions or feedback about this post, or if you […]

SCCM – WQL Query for machines without Endpoint Protection installed

SCCM – WQL Query for machines without Endpoint Protection installed

If you need to identify machines that have the Configuration Manager client installed but do not have the System Center Endpoint Protection client installed, then you can use the following WQL query. More Queries Our full range of SQL and WQL Collection queries are available here. Feedback If you have any questions or feedback about this […]

SCCM – WQL Query for machines with 4GB RAM or more

SCCM – WQL Query for machines with 4GB RAM or more

If you have a requirement to identify machines with 4GB RAM or more, then you can use the following WQL query to do this. select distinct SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.TotalPhysicalMemory, SMS_R_System.IPAddresses, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_R_System.DistinguishedName from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY on SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY.TotalPhysicalMemory >= 4096000 order by SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ADSiteName, SMS_R_System.IPAddresses, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_R_System.DistinguishedName You can change […]

Mimecast MSO Fix – SMTP in the Credentials Error

Mimecast MSO Fix – SMTP in the Credentials Error

If you are a Mimecast user and are also using Windows 8.1, you may find that when you have installed the Mimecast client for Outlook (MSO) and try to enter your domain or cloud credentials, the username has SMTP set and cannot be changed and the password part is greyed out. You will then receive […]

Microsoft Evaluation VHD’s – Windows Server 2012 Contoso Administrator Password

Microsoft Evaluation VHD’s – Windows Server 2012 Contoso Administrator Password

Although most people will be using full versions of Windows Server 2012 products by now, some may still use the evaluation VHDs from Microsoft. We have just downloaded all 11GB of VHD files from Microsoft for doing some testing and got to the point where we need to enter the Contoso Administrator password. After trying […]

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