Comments and Joining TechyGeeksHome as a Member

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Comments and Joining TechyGeeksHome as a Member 1As our website has continued to grow (now reaching 800,000 hits since we started in 2011), we have been seeing the downside of what increased traffic brings – Comment Spam!

We have been receiving an absolute huge amount of spam comments lately across more than 200 of our posts and it is becoming simply too much to moderate, so we are afraid that we have had to change our comment settings so that you have to be a member of this site to enable you to make any comments on any of our posts.

We really did not want to have to take this course of action, but we will try it on a trial basis and see how it goes. We will also ensure that any comments leave will be moderated well within 24 hours of being posted, so if you have something legitimate to say – it will be posted!

There are some benefits of joining our website anyway – you will get alerts when new posts are made in your reading list as well as being free to make comments on any of our posts. For further information of joining any sites on Google Blogger, click the link below:

Google Blogger – Joining a site

If you are unsure of how to join our site, if you take a look towards the top right of any page that you are on, you will see something similar to this:

Comments and Joining TechyGeeksHome as a Member 2

All you have to do is click Join this site and you will be given a multitude of options to select from to add yourself as a member to this site including Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as Google.

Thanks for reading….

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Comments and Joining TechyGeeksHome as a Member

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