We have been looking into getting our OSD process to automatically change the computer name to what we want it to be for a while […]
Month: September 2012
SCCM Task Sequence failed due to package associated to the task sequence cannot be found
If you get an issue when trying to load a task sequence and you get the message that a package associated to the task sequence […]
System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 Beta Released
As you may be aware, System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 Beta has now been released. To get this, you can download from:
Shoretel Contact Center – Agent stuck in Release mode
We had an issue this week with one of our Shoretel Contact Center Agents being stuck in Release mode. When trying to Resume, the agent […]
SCCM 2012 USB Sticks for OSD
Introduction We have situations where sometimes we need to use a USB stick for stand-alone imaging for our remote sites that are not connected to […]
Orchestrator Runbook for Email Notification for ConfigMgr Software Catalog Requests [2020 Updated]
I’ve had a number of requests about how I created our email notification for requests for software made via our ConfigMgr software catalog. The solution […]
SCCM Capture media in Windows x64 not working – FIX
We came across an issue today where the capture media (ISO) that we use to capture our newly created images would not load when running […]