Ultimate Settings Panel – Version 6.1 Released

USP Windows 8

We are delighted to announce the release of Ultimate Settings Panel version 6.1.

This version includes some minor bug fixes, some code tidying up, but the main addition is now the ability for you to select your own theme and color styles and Ultimate Settings Panel v6.1 will automatically save these settings for you next time you load the program up again! This has been by far our most requested feature and we are delighted to be finally able to bring this to you.

Version Log Information

Please note that version 6.0 was an internal testing version so we have publicly gone from version 5.9 to version 6.1 – you have not missed a version!


Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 6.1 Released 1
Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 6.1 Released 2

Video Demo

See Ultimate Settings Panel in action below:


Download Ultimate Settings Panel v6.1


This program requires Microsoft .Net 4.5.2 to work correctly. You can download this directly from Microsoft by clicking here.


For full instructions on how to use the Ultimate Settings Panel utility, click here.


This utility is free to use for both personal and commercial use.


You are free to distribute this utility in it’s original form. No amendments or installation wrapping with PuP is permitted.


If you have any comments on this new release, please feel free to leave us a message below in the comments section.

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