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We are pleased to announce the release of Ultimate Settings Panel version 5.5.

Our latest addition in version 5.5 is what we have been planning to do in a very long time which is to give you the ability to change the colour and style themes to suit whatever you want it to be.

This is available on the first Home Panel in a simple drop down menu – just select what you want and away you go! You can see this in action in the video demo below:

We have also ironed out some other minor bugs and removed the adverts – this was a trial, it didn’t work, we removed it and we all move on!

In version 5.5 we have also made some slight changes to the options and they are now available from the Home Panel under Options. You can see what the new panel looks like from the screenshot below:

Light & Blue Theme:

Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 5.5 Released 1

Dark & Blue Theme:

Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 5.5 Released 2

Included in this release are the 64-bit and 32-bit installers including MSI – ensure that you install the correct version for your computer. You can use the MSI to distribute wherever you like including Commercial use.


Download Ultimate Settings Panel v5.5


Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 5.5 Released 3

Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 5.5 Released 4

Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 5.5 Released 5

Ultimate Settings Panel - Version 5.5 Released 6


This program is completely free of charge for both personal and commercial use.


If you have any comments on this new release, please feel free to leave us a message below in the comments section.

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Andrew Armstrong

Founder of TechyGeeksHome and Head Editor for over 15 years! IT expert in multiple areas for over 26 years. Sharing experience and knowledge whenever possible! Making IT Happen.

10 thoughts on “Ultimate Settings Panel – Version 5.5 Released

          1. Not sure why it wouldn’t work then. Which Windows version are you using?

          2. I´m using win7 64 bits, whtats the big diference to 5.3 vs, this one runs very well

          3. We have found the problem today. Its an issue with the performance monitors within Windows 7 – works fine on windows 10 but throws an error in Windows 7. We are working on a fix and will be correctly in version 5.6 which we will release ASAP.

    1. Not sure I get what you mean….

      Do you mean you want to get the CPU, RAM etc info on a remote machine?

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