Ultimate Settings Panel – Version 1.1 Released

USP Outlook

We are pleased to announce the release of Ultimate Settings Panel version 1.1

This was a newly released utility from ourselves two weeks ago and it has been downloaded over 30,000 times within that period from various download sites and even appeared in a Norwegian magazine!

As we stated on the first release, it was a version 1.0 release and we did expect a number of bugs to be found – and they have been. In this new release, we have fixed all reported bugs as well as adding some more functionality and tidied the code significantly to make it much easy to run and update in future releases.


The new version is available to download by clicking the button below:

Download Ultimate Settings Panel


So what can you expect from the new version? Listed below is the updates that we have carried out in this version:

  • Added a “Check for Updates” function – meaning you can always stay up to date with the latest version of this utility simply by clicking the link on the utility itself
  • Major bug fixes – around 38 bug fixes have been sorted out
  • Outlook 2010 and 2013 functionality added to the “Outlook” tab
  • Regedit added to the “General” tab
  • 22 additions to the “Outlook” tab – too many to list so download the utility and take a look
  • Slight colour design change


If you find a bug in the utility, instead of sending us rude emails (we get a lot!) simply tell us what you have found and we will fix it – this is the best way of making this utility fully functional and as good as it can be. You can either contact us from the button on the menu bar at the top of this website or use our comments system below.


If you have any ideas or requests for additions in future releases, then do please feel free to tell us. If it is good and it can be added in – we will do it into the next version.


If you have any comments, please feel free to use our comments system below.

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