Shoretel Batch WAV Converter v3.0 Released

Shoretel Batch WAV Converter v3.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of the Shoretel Batch WAV Converter v3.0. There have been some improvements to make it more user-friendly and to have a much better folder structure. Windows 10 This new version 3.0 will now also work with Windows 10 and includes all the updated sox.exe files required for the […]

AxVoice Review: The Year 2020’s Most Affordable VoIP

AxVoice Review: The Year 2020’s Most Affordable VoIP

Want to save on your phone bills? There is no better way to do it than switching to VoIP phone services. Landline systems are costly and need a lot of maintenance. International businesses require communication and collaboration with their global staff and clients which they can’t do without making innumerable long-distance calls.  If you are facing exorbitant […]

8 Reasons to Offer a Callback Service in Your Contact Center

8 Reasons to Offer a Callback Service in Your Contact Center

Customers don’t like waiting on hold. In fact, 60 percent of people say even one minute is too long. Short of over-staffing, which no customer service organization wants to do in the interest of cost management, what alternatives are there? Callbacks are a great option for reducing wait times because they help deliver better customer experiences […]

Shoretel Account Viewer

Shoretel Account Viewer

Prerequisites This program requires Microsoft .Net 4.5.2 to work correctly. You can download this directly from Microsoft by clicking here. Licence This utility is free to use for both personal and commercial use. Distribution You are free to distribute this utility in it’s original form. No amendments or installation wrapping with PuP is permitted.

How to Show Shoretel User Licenses Allocations

How to Show Shoretel User Licenses Allocations

If you have a Shoretel telephony system in your corporate environment and you want to know which extensions have which licenses, then you can do this by running a simple query across your Shoretel MySQL database. Login to your HQ server and open MySQL and login to your main Shoretel database. Then run these following […]

Shoretel Account Viewer v1.0 Released

Shoretel Account Viewer v1.0 Released

We are pleased to announce a new utility custom built by us called Shoretel Account Viewer. Shoretel Account Viewer is a small installable utility that allows you to connect to your Shoretel systems MySQL database and return information on any users account within that environment. This is an essential tool for any Shoretel administrator as […]

Shoretel Communicator Download Client and MSI Installer

Shoretel Communicator Download Client and MSI Installer

To get the Shoretel Communicator download for the client software you can easily retrieve it from your Shoretel HQ server and you then have the ability to use the installer in various different installation methods. EXE Format You should go to the following URL in an internet browser on a machine that is connected to […]

Skype Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype version has now been released and if you would like to either add this to your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or even have it available through WDS or Group Policy, then you will want to download the MSI file for it. Skype do provide a direct download link for its Skype software and […]

Skype 7.8 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype 7.8 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype version 7.8 has now been released and if you would like to either add this to your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or even have it available through WDS or Group Policy, then you will want to download the MSI file for it. Skype do provide a direct download link for its Skype software and […]

Skype 7.7 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype 7.7 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype version 7.7 has now been released and if you would like to either add this to your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or even have it available through WDS or Group Policy, then you will want to download the MSI file for it. Skype do provide a direct download link for its Skype software and […]

Skype 7.6 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype 7.6 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype version 7.6 has now been released and if you would like to either add this to your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or even have it available through WDS or Group Policy, then you will want to download the MSI file for it. Skype do provide a direct download link for its Skype software and […]

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