Top 3 Things to Know About Managing Website Security Certificates

website certificate security

Website security certificates make the web a safer and more secure environment for online transactions. If you’re interested in learning more about how website security certificates work, we’ve written this article to help you learn more about what they are and how certificate managers help keep the data they protect safe.  What Are SSL Security […]

How to Make Sure Your Business’ Data Is Secured

A laptop open on a wooden table displaying lines of secured code on its screen, illuminated in a room with soft lighting.

Data is the lifeblood of any business, and if that data falls into the wrong hands, it can damage your business’s bottom line and reputation. Cyberthreats are at every turn, and cybercriminals are becoming more versed, leveraging more sophisticated tools than ever.  So, whether it’s personal information from customers or work you have done in […]

Web Applications Security – Angular

A desk with a coffee mug featuring an inspirational quote in front of a computer screen displaying web applications security code, illuminated in soft blue light.

It is known as web application security, the technique of securing websites and online services from numerous security risks that leverage defects in the program’s code to exploit security vulnerabilities. The online application assaults are typical targets for content management systems (like WordPress) and database administration tools such as phpMyAdmin and SaaS. Web Application Risks […]

E-Signature Validity: 3 Things To Know

Three illustrated panels: the first shows a man with a pen, the second a woman next to a verified user agreement, and the third a person near a lock, symbolizing "E-Signature

The modern world’s technology has altered the way the world does business. It has profoundly transformed operations, such as marketing, supply chain management, and end-user delivery. But one feature has remained influential throughout the transition from paper to computer: the signature. Electronic signatures (e-signatures), which demonstrate a person’s agreement to a contract, are not new. […]

Why VPN Configuration Is Necessary?

Icon depicting three interlocking gears in blue tones, with a white key inserted into the central gear, symbolizing concepts of access, security, or VPN configuration.

The US-CERT, a vital part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, classifies VPNs as a critical infrastructure device. These devices are considered critical infrastructure devices because they allow remote workers and mobile workers to access a network remotely and securely, from any location in the world with an internet connection. Virtual Private Networks encrypt […]