Group Policy

Disable OneDrive using Group Policy

Disable OneDrive using Group Policy

If you would like to disable Microsoft OneDrive in your corporate environment then you can do so using Group Policy. Simply open up your Group Policy editor and create a new policy (or edit an existing policy) and browse to the following location: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components In this location you […]

Google Earth Pro MSI Installer [2019 Updated]

Google Earth Pro MSI Installer [2019 Updated]

As most of you probably know by now, Google Earth Pro is now free to use for everyone. All you have to do is to install the software, enter a valid email address and enter the password as GEPFREE – this is great and a lot of people are now going ahead and using this. […]

WMI Query for Internet Explorer Installations with Version

WMI Query for Internet Explorer Installations with Version

If you need a WMI query for Group Policy or for Configuration Manager for machines that have Internet Explorer installed and even a version filter, then you can use the following: SELECT * FROM CIM_Datafile WHERE Name = “C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” AND Version LIKE “11.%” You can then change the “11.%” part to the version […]

Shoretel Communicator Download Client and MSI Installer

Shoretel Communicator Download Client and MSI Installer

To get the Shoretel Communicator download for the client software you can easily retrieve it from your Shoretel HQ server and you then have the ability to use the installer in various different installation methods. EXE Format You should go to the following URL in an internet browser on a machine that is connected to […]

Skype 7.5 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype 7.5 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype version 7.5 has now been released and if you would like to either add this to your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or even have it available through WDS or Group Policy, then you will want to download the MSI file for it. Skype do provide a direct download link for its Skype software and […]

Skype 7.4 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype 7.4 Released – MSI Download Link & Silent Install Instructions

Skype version 7.4 has now been released and if you would like to either add this to your Configuration Manager Software Catalog or even have it available through WDS or Group Policy, then you will want to download the MSI file for it. Skype do provide a direct download link for its Skype software and […]

DWG TrueView 2015 Released – ConfigMgr Deployment & Unattended Install

DWG TrueView 2015 has now been released and we have already been asked by several people about how to deploy this using Configuration Manager Software Catalog. The solution is very simple and the process that you should follow is exactly the same as the process that we have detailed for the 2014 version which can […]

How to enable signed intranet updates using Group Policy

How to enable signed intranet updates using Group Policy

If you are using custom updates for things Java or Adobe updates via WSUS and SCUP, then you need to ensure that you enable signed intranet updates for all your client machines. The best way to do this is to use Group Policy. You should create a new Group Policy Object (GPO) and apply that […]

Adobe Reader XI Group Policy ADM Files

Adobe Reader XI Group Policy ADM Files

Group Policy support is now also available for Adobe Reader XI which is great news for administrators as we can now control what had previously been a bit of a pain to control in corporate environments. Most of the settings are fairly obvious so I’m not going to go through them, but below is the […]

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