Ultimate Settings Panel – Version 6.5 Released

Ultimate Settings Panel Windows 10 Page Version 6.5

We are delighted to announce the release of Ultimate Settings Panel version 6.5. This version includes some minor bug fixes and backend rearrangement of the source code. Ultimate Settings Panel Video Demo See Ultimate Settings Panel in action below: Download Instructions For full instructions on how to use the Ultimate Settings Panel utility, click here. License […]

4 Ways a CRM Can Help Your Business Get Ahead in the Fourth Quarter


Whipping your business into shape in the last quarter of the year can prove to be pretty difficult for most business owners and sales managers. But with the right tools and resources, it’s not impossible. If you’re looking to improve lead to revenue management, sales performance, and agent response time to customer issues, here’s a […]

Microsoft Update causing Print Spooler Problems – CVE-2019-1367

Microsoft Blue Logo

Microsoft released an emergency update last week under CVE-2019-1367 which claimed to fix an Internet Explorer exploit. If you are now reading this post, I’m assuming that you have already noticed that having installed these set of updates, you now have print spooler problems?! CVE-2019-1367 v1.0 As most businesses probably have, we urgently rushed out […]