Java have now released update 71 of version 7 of their Java Client software.

The update is available as an offline installer and using our guide below, you can extract the MSI from it and use it for deployment by using Windows Updates to update current machines or add to your Configuration Manager Application Catalog or even deploy using Group Policy.

You can download the Offline Installer from the Java website using the link below:


Download Java Client


By following the guide below, you can extract the MSI installer to use in deployment and Windows Updates to automatically update machines using WSUS.

How to extract Java MSI File from the Offline Installer


Update added 26th April 2015 – Please be aware that it seems that the MSI extraction does not always work with the newer versions of Java, so please see the guide below which shows you how to setup a silent install using the standard offline installer:

Java Silent Installation Guide


If you have any questions about this or wish to leave a comment, please use our comments system below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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By Andrew Armstrong

Founder of TechyGeeksHome and Head Editor for over 15 years! IT expert in multiple areas for over 26 years. Sharing experience and knowledge whenever possible! Making IT Happen.

86 thought on “Java 7 Update 71 Released – MSI and Offline Installer”
  1. Hello,Under win7, I&#39m unable to start the command prompt with a right click. So, I switched to the admin account and run the stop command. The following response was generated:&#34System error 5 has occurred.Access is denied.&#34How am I to proceed?Thanks for helping!

  2. All is quiet on the electronic front……now again… thanks to your wizardry.The increased traffic I&#39d attribute to the originally faulty 7th of 11 last night.To answer your question, I used my best friend with &#34windows 7 install updates stuck&#34. The third hit was you…Thanks again. You are bookmarked… 🙂

  3. This usually means one of two things. A) Do you have full local administrator rights on your computer? B) have you elevated the command prompt for sure – not just run it using a local administrator account but actually right clicked on the command prompt and selected Run as Administrator? If you have, then I&#39m not sure what else it can be as this has worked on 1000&#39s of other machines.

  4. I have typed the following ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution sd.old then get Access is denied

  5. This usually means one of two things. A) Do you have full local administrator rights on your computer? B) have you elevated the command prompt for sure – not just run it using a local administrator account but actually right clicked on the command prompt and selected Run as Administrator? If you have, then I&#39m not sure what else it can be as this has worked on 1000&#39s of other machines.

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