4 Ways Automated Customer Service Affects a Company’s Reputation

A person holding a smartphone with an "automated customer service" screen displaying the message "Hi, how can I help you?

Automated customer service is prominent in business today. It can still be considered as a fairly new technology and improvements are rapidly making the technology more adaptive to customers’ needs. When used correctly, it can increase customer satisfaction. When used incorrectly, it will dramatically cause the exact opposite. Here are four ways that automated customer […]

3 Things That Every Software Development Team Needs to Succeed

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Software development is a long, challenging, and complicated process with a lot of moving parts, and with those moving parts come a lot of points of potential failure. You could even argue that software development is more about avoiding failure than achieving success. Here are three things that are absolutely vital to a successful development […]

Businesses Are Starting to Text Their Customers — Is This a Good Thing?

A man in a suit with a red tie stands in the foreground holding a smartphone, likely texting customers, while a woman sits at a cafe table in the background, looking at her own phone.

“Commercial texting” has an odd ring to it, but the concept makes sense. Business owners can take advantage of text messaging to contact customers about deals, sales and other promotional items. Texting represents a simple way to stay in touch with customers. Why go through the complex hassles of costly marketing schemes when texting does […]