The 5 LinkedIn Privacy Settings you can use and Manage

Graphic illustrating a person holding a sign with LinkedIn's logo and a padlock, symbolizing the privacy settings connected to LinkedIn.

LinkedIn lets you have the most comprehensive control over who can see your silhouette on LinkedIn. Particularly when there’s a plethora of privacy issues, especially online. little Privacy, particularly online and in the social media world, the emphasis on Privacy offered by LinkedIn is a great benefit.  But many users aren’t aware of how they […]

Benefits of Web Scraping Proxies for an E-commerce Business

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The domain of e-commerce is growing by leaps and bounds. As a result, competition in the e-commerce sector has become very tough. Hence, companies are looking to outperform their competitors through various methods of competitive research. One such approach is to use an e-commerce proxy. An e-commerce proxy helps scrape data on the web to […]