Year: 2017

Disable the Windows Creators Update Notice

Disable the Windows Creators Update Notice

If you have not yet upgraded to Windows 10 Creators Update then you may notice this annoying message in your Windows Update page: So, what if you don’t want your computer (or Microsoft) telling you what to do and you want to remove this message? Well, the solution is a very simple registry edit. Open […]

Errors when trying to inject offline Windows Updates into a mounted WIM

Errors when trying to inject offline Windows Updates into a mounted WIM

If you are using WIM files for Operating System Deployments (OSD) you may be injecting Windows Updates into the WIM to keep them up to date. If you are doing this, you may run into errors when processing through the updates like this: This is because the mounted WIM thinks that there are pending updates. […]

KB4022719 Windows Update Breaks Internet Explorer Printing

KB4022719 Windows Update Breaks Internet Explorer Printing

Microsoft have released an update this week which potentially stops Internet Explorer from being able to print. When you select to print something from the internet using IE, you will just get a blank page coming out from your printer. To resolve this, you need to uninstall the KB4022719 update and reboot.

Stop encryption of network shares using FSRM

Stop encryption of network shares using FSRM

With the recent ransomware attack across the world, IT departments should now been fully patched but also be taking steps to help protect themselves in the future. One way of trying to stop encryption of your files on network shares is to utilise the free File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) tool. This tool has been […]

SCCM 2012 Software Catalog Easy Access using DNS

SCCM 2012 Software Catalog Easy Access using DNS

If you are using System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) then you will probably be making use of the Application Catalog feature. This allows IT departments to give a software shop front to its end users freeing up IT staff from the tedious installations of 7-Zip and Adobe Reader. But, the standard URL for the Application […]

Things you need to enjoy Gigabit Ethernet connectivity

Things you need to enjoy Gigabit Ethernet connectivity

Slower downloading of data on the devices can irritate the user to no extent. Additionally, the end users want internet service that never sleeps. The content access requirements at the end users propel the data centers to improve their efficiency and also to deliver the final output optimally for enhancing the customer experience. The data […]

Bulk Delete Multiple Operations Manager Management Packs [2020 Updated]

Bulk Delete Multiple Operations Manager Management Packs [2020 Updated]

If you are using System Center Operations Manager and you want to bulk remove multiple Management Packs, then you can use the power of the Operations Manager Shell to carry it out. First of all, you need to open up the Operations Manager Shell. Then you should run the following command: where: “*Microsoft.SQLServer*” = the […]

Disk space saving on older operating systems

Disk space saving on older operating systems

You may have seen our previous post on using DISM to clear space on a Windows computer. This is great, but what if you are using an older operating system, something like Windows Server 2003 which does not have the option to use DISM? Well, there is another little tool within these older operating systems […]

How to expand a virtual hard disk in Windows Server Core

How to expand a virtual hard disk in Windows Server Core

If you are using Windows Server Core in your environment then you will know that adding disk space to a virtual hard drive is not as simple as using the Disk Management GUI. But, using the steps below, you can carry out the disk extension in no time. First of all, add the amount of […]

5 Ways How Microsoft Dynamics AX Can Improve Your Retail Business

5 Ways How Microsoft Dynamics AX Can Improve Your Retail Business

‘Omni-channel’ and ‘digital’ have been the buzzwords since the inception of the digital era. It clearly indicates that the time is ripe for the retail industry to keep up with the times by integrating technology into their business processes and deliver exactly what customers want. For retail stores, the sole point of contact with their […]

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