TechyGeeksHome Year End Stats

TGH Word Cloud

As we approach the end of another year, we thought that we would post some figures about our site from the last 12 months.

It has been a pretty good year for us and our visitor count seems to have been rising throughout the year recently peaking at around 5000 visitors a day.

We also started to provide Pro versions of our utilities and we do aim to release a bunch more of these in early 2015, we just have not had the time recently to extend on what we have released already!

We have also created a range of new products, one being Ultimate Settings Panel which has so far proved to be our most successful utility to date with (from what we know of on the few software sites we do monitor our utilities on) around 75,000 downloads in total of the free version.

We do plan on creating many more utilities in 2015 but if you have any ideas – please do feel free to contact us and we will put your ideas into action!

Finally, in December, we posted our 400th post so please feel free to take a good long look around our site and use our archive system to get around. You might just find something interesting!

So what about our vital stats?

Below is a list of our website statistics to date (1st Jan 15 – 19th Dec 2014):

Total Website Hits: 539,975
Direct Downloads from the Website: 53,127
ShareThis Shares: 16,771
Most Visited Page:Bluetooth Windows 8 Fix
Most Downloaded Utility: Ultimate Settings Panel
Country with Highest Number of Visitors to the site: United States (24.15% of all visitors)
Favoured Browser: Google Chrome
Twitter Followers: 61
Facebook Likes: 1201
Google+ Views: 4 Million

We would like to say thank you to all our visitors and we hope that we have helped you out somewhere along the line and made your life a little easier!

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