Month: June 2014

Task Sequences types in Software Center – OSD or Application?

Task Sequences types in Software Center – OSD or Application?

Sorry about the recent lack of updates on our site but we have been incredibly busy fixing “real world” IT issues! Its also the silly season for holidays so over the next month updates may be a little sparse but we will try our best! We recently came across a really good blog post by Daniel […]

WillyTheWorm v1.1 Released – Retro Snake Game

WillyTheWorm v1.1 Released – Retro Snake Game

We are pleased to announce the release of WillyTheWorm version 1.1. We have been playing with creating a few very basic retro games for a while now and although these are really only more than testers and nothing to get too excited about, we thought we would release them for you to play with anyway […]

DustyRacer Retro Racing Game v1.0 Released

DustyRacer Retro Racing Game v1.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of DustyRacer v1.0. This is very much a test release and more of a practice in coding so please treat it as such! Your feedback and ideas are welcome but we are looking into building this up with lots of new features, like levels that speed up as […]

Controlling Concurrent Package Distribution

Controlling Concurrent Package Distribution

We recently came across this excellent blog post about the configuration of distribution settings for Configuration Manager. We highly recommend that you read it if you have multiple remote distribution points as this may help to speed up the process of pushing out the packages. Controlling Concurrent Package Distribution

ConfigMgr 2012 – Log file to check package deletion progress

ConfigMgr 2012 – Log file to check package deletion progress

When you delete packages, applications or images using your Configuration Manager Console, it will then start to process the removal of the files from your distribution points. Depending on how many distribution points you have, this can take some time to complete. We recently had a scenario where we had to remove nearly 100GB of […]

ConfigMgr OSD – Strange Task Sequence Failures Solved

ConfigMgr OSD – Strange Task Sequence Failures Solved

We had reports from a customer this week about strange issues with their Configuration Manager OSD Task Sequences failing. The OSD seemed to work on most machines but a new batch of refurbished laptops would PXE boot but then would fail after the task sequence had been selected with a generic Microsoft error (you know […]

Deploying Dell BIOS Updates using the Application Model

Deploying Dell BIOS Updates using the Application Model

We have just started to update our hardware BIOS’s during the Configuration Manager OSD process taking advantage of the Application model. It works extremely well and is very easy to setup. We used this excellent guide to help us so we thought that we would share this with our visitors for it to help you […]

Google Blogger – Remove information when searching on labels

Google Blogger – Remove information when searching on labels

If you use Google Blogger and you have searches or menu items based on labels, you might find that when you click on these you get the below information appear at the top of your posts: This can be extremely annoying when you are trying to make your site look as professional as possible, so […]

Microsoft Exchange Management Shell Commands – Get Mailbox Size Information

Microsoft Exchange Management Shell Commands – Get Mailbox Size Information

There are many uses for Exchange Management Shell and we will be adding various EMS commands over time so to start with we are going to show you how to get your Exchange mailboxes size information. For an overview of your Exchange mailboxes statistics, open your EMS console and type in the following command: Replacing […]

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