ConfigMgr 2012 – Log file to check package deletion progress

System Center Configuration Manager SCCM

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

When you delete packages, applications or images using your Configuration Manager Console, it will then start to process the removal of the files from your distribution points. Depending on how many distribution points you have, this can take some time to complete.

We recently had a scenario where we had to remove nearly 100GB of old driver packages, the removal of the packages from the remote distribution points (23 worldwide in total) took a total of four days to complete, so keeping an eye on the process is a good idea.

To do this, you should open up the distmgr.log file located in your primary ConfigMgr server logs folder. This is usually found in the following location:

 %Program Files%Microsoft Configuration ManagerLogs  

You should also ensure that you open it using the CMTrace.exe tool.

When you do this, you should then see a large number of packages being deleted and should look similar to this:

ConfigMgr 2012 - Log file to check package deletion progress 1

As you have opened the log file in CMTrace.exe, it will automatically keep updating and scrolling down until the process is fully complete. The log file will update itself to tell you that it has completed removing all the packages and you can then be happy in the knowledge that your request to delete all distribution point data has been successful.

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ConfigMgr 2012 – Log file to check package deletion progress

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