4 Ways Automated Customer Service Affects a Company’s Reputation

4 Ways Automated Customer Service Affects a Company’s Reputation

Automated customer service is prominent in business today. It can still be considered as a fairly new technology and improvements are rapidly making the technology more adaptive to customers’ needs. When used correctly, it can increase customer satisfaction. When used incorrectly, it will dramatically cause the exact opposite. Here are four ways that automated customer […]

Speeding Up Your Macbook and Enjoying Its Performance

Speeding Up Your Macbook and Enjoying Its Performance

It is never fun to work on a computer that fails to meet your expectations. One of the reasons for disappointment has to be the overall performance. While it is natural that such an aspect dwindles in quality over time, there are ways to help yourself. Macbooks are one of the most popular brands in […]

How Technology Can Play a Role in Your Weight Loss Journey

How Technology Can Play a Role in Your Weight Loss Journey

The basic formula for weight loss has always been the same. If you burn more calories than you take in, you’ll lose weight. However, it turns out that this formula is more complicated than it seems. For the best results, you need to pay attention to what kinds of food are providing those calories. The […]

Top 3 Online Casino Myths Busted!

Top 3 Online Casino Myths Busted!

The Internet, what an invention! It’s changed the game forever. Don’t be surprised if humanity introduces a new timekeeping mechanism to add to the already traditional ones of B.C and A.D. It can be argued that B.I (Before the Internet) is sure to become something that will form part of our lexicon as technology continues […]

How to fix the Windows 10 Search Bar Bug

How to fix the Windows 10 Search Bar Bug

Another set of Microsoft Updates comes around and yet another set of problems arise! Windows 10 Search Bar Bug This time it’s the turn of the Windows 10 search bar to stop working. It seems that this particular bug hits when you click the Start button and type a search – nothing appears! Well, don’t […]

Even Public, Visible Data on Your Website Can Benefit Hackers

Even Public, Visible Data on Your Website Can Benefit Hackers

The average person’s conception of hacking is very technology-focused. The stereotypical hacker sitting in a basement surrounded by screens full of terminal commands has embedded itself in our culture. However, this view of hacking isn’t entirely accurate. The vast majority of cyberattacks are focused on a much easier target than a computer: a human. It’s […]

How to Add a Network Drive in Windows

How to Add a Network Drive in Windows

Introduction Although this is a fairly simple process for more experienced computers users, we have been asked this question a few times over the last few weeks. This seems to be due to more and more people getting network storage devices for Christmas and, instead of using the rubbish software you get with these devices […]

How People Make Money From Video and Casino Games

How People Make Money From Video and Casino Games

Have you ever been at this point in a game where you’ve piled up so much in-game currency you started to wonder how cool it would be to somehow make this video game money real? Usually, players pay for games and do not get any money in return, but what if you actually could monetize […]

Shoretel Batch WAV Converter v3.0 Released

Shoretel Batch WAV Converter v3.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of the Shoretel Batch WAV Converter v3.0. There have been some improvements to make it more user-friendly and to have a much better folder structure. Windows 10 This new version 3.0 will now also work with Windows 10 and includes all the updated sox.exe files required for the […]

Shadow Banning: Are You a Victim and What to do About it

Shadow Banning: Are You a Victim and What to do About it

Online censorship is becoming an increasingly pressing issue considering how active the largest tech companies have been in filtering certain points of view out of mainstream discussion on their platforms. In recent years, this practice has become quite overt, leading to many segments of society pushing back in these practices. In response, these platforms have […]

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