A digital representation of a head being projected from a smartphone held by a person, depicting technology concepts like augmented reality or machine learning.

How To Choose The Right Machine Learning Algorithm For Your Project

Machine learning has been fundamental in developing apps that predict trends and movements. But what about things that are impossible to get right, like the weather? That’s what researchers at the Ohio State University set out to build recently. Their model uses what they call ‘next-generation reservoir computing.’ The details are complicated, as expected of…

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A close-up of an open silver padlock on a laptop keyboard, symbolizing data security in the context of open access publications.

The Benefits Of Open Access Publications

There are many benefits to open-access publications, including a boost to research productivity, transparency, and innovation. Here are 10 benefits that researchers often gain by providing open access to their publications: Research Productivity increases with Online Distribution Open access publishing can help increase the research productivity of scientists by making their research more widely available…

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