iPhone Tips and Tricks Infographic – Things you might not know about your iPhone

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Apple products have been around for a long time now and the iPhone is Apple’s flagship product. But how well do users really know the iPhone?

Below is an infographic from IOTransfer with a number of tips and tricks that your iPhone can do that may surprise you!

iPhone Tips and Tricks Infographic - Things you might not know about your iPhone 1

How to carry out these tips and tricks

How to Set to Be Reminded by Location from Siri

For this to work you need to tell Siri who your Mom is (the relationship between you and the contacts) in a simple way. Just create a contact card with your info on it, including name, address, relationships, and so on.

How to Turn eBooks into Audio Books

Activate it in this way: Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech > Turn on Speak Screen

Any app you’re in, including ebooks, notes, emails, just wipe down with two fingers from the top of the screen, and you’ll hear the content read out loud. You can also adjust the speak speed and accent.

How to Save Battery Life when It is Running Low

a.       Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

b.      Turn off Location Services in Privacy

c.       Settings > General > Cellular > Enable 3G > Off

d.      Settings > General > Cellular > Enable LTE > Off

e.      Settings > Sounds > Vibrate on Ring & Silent > Off

f.        Settings > Brightness & Wallpaper > Auto-Brightness > Off

g.       Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data > Off

How to Check Frequent Location

Head to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations.

How to Close Three Apps One Time

Some of you might have being closing apps one by one with single finger. Well, try using three fingers, and you’ll find out that up to three apps can be closed at one time.  iPhone provides multi-finger gestures not only in pictures and web pages, but also in clearing up iPhone clutter. 

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