SCCM report to retrieve Autodesk serial numbers

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In the second part of my blogs about capturing serial numbers using SCCM, in this one I’m going to go through how to report on Autodesk products which of course includes AutoCAD full version and LT versions.


Please note that we do now recommend a new way of collecting Autodesk serial number information. So please click the link below to our up-to-date post about this topic:

Autodesk Serial Number Collection using SCCM

To do this, we will be using DCM vbscripts to run on the clients and then using a custom script to create the report to produce the serial number information we want.

First of all, let me just make it clear that this is information I have gathered from much internet searching and I am not the one who has written the DCM VBscript to populate the database with the decrypted serial information – so I cannot take the praise for that! But I have collated all this information and written the custom script reports to help others with a full step-by-step guide which hopefully will help others.

You will need to download the below zip file which contains all the scripts that we are going to use in this guide:


Then you need to create the DCM part. So login to your server and into the console and do the following:

1. Go to DCM and then to the Configuration Items
2. Create a new General Configuration Item and name it AutoCAD Serial Numbers and then click Next
3. You do not need any objects so just click Next
4. Highlight Settings then click New and then Script
5. For the Display Name type in AutoCAD Serial Numbers
6. Make sure the script language is set to VBScript
7. Then copy and paste the downloaded “AutoDeskDCMScript.txt” script into the script box
8. Click the Validation tab and change the Severity to “Information – no Windows Event Message”
9. Click OK and then select All Windows Platforms and complete the wizard

You then need to create the Baseline to apply this script to all your clients.

1. Go to DCM and then to the Configuration Baselines
2. Create a new Configuration Baseline
3. Name it Serial Collector
4. Add the Configuration Item to the “These applications and general configuration items are required and must be properly configured” and click Finish
5. Right-click the DCM Baseline you have just created and assign it to the All Systems collection and set the schedule

Once this is complete, you then need to edit the MOF file on your Primary server.

1. Go to your Primary server and go to the following location:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv\sms_def.mof

2. Open the file and at the end copy and paste the “AutodeskMOFEdit.txt” contents from the downloaded file, then save the MOF file.

The final part to get this working is to create a custom report.

1. Go to Reporting and then Reports
2. Right-click and select New and then Report
3. Name the Report “AutoCAD Serials”
4. Select a Category
5. Click Edit SQL Statement
6. Remove the script that is there and replace it with the contents of “AutoDeskCustomReport.txt”
7. Complete the wizard

You are now ready to have your clients report back to your server and you can then run this custom report and it should give you all the information you require.


If you have any questions, please comment and please post back your findings using this and obviously feel free to share the link to this site to help others.

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