SCCM Collection Query – Virtual Machines
If you are looking for a SCCM collection query for virtual machines in your environment, then you can use this query below:
SCCM Collection Query – Virtual Machines Read MoreMaking IT Happen
If you are looking for a SCCM collection query for virtual machines in your environment, then you can use this query below:
SCCM Collection Query – Virtual Machines Read MoreIf you are looking at setting up your System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) with PKI, then there is an excellent step by step guide that you can follow from SCCMGuy. The link to this guide is below: We have used this in the past our various labs and it details well what you need to do.
System Center Configuration Manager PKI Setup Read MoreIf you have upgraded to SCCM 1511 recently then you may have not yet noticed that their is a new Software Center available and included within the Software Center itself is an area when users can download the applications directly instead of having to have Silverlight installed and use Internet Explorer. The old Software Center looked something like this: You …
SCCM 1511 – New Software Center Read MoreIf you are using System Center Configuration Manager for Operating System Deployment (OSD) then you may come across an error like this even after a successful PXE boot:
SCCM OSD Policy Retrieval Error Read MoreWe recently came across an issue where our Configuration Manager Operating System Deployments (OSD) were failing at the activating Windows step. Having spent far too much time looking into why it was doing this, we eventually found out that it was our proxy servers that were blocking access it the Microsoft activation servers.
Windows and Office Activation Proxy Whitelist Websites Read MoreAs most of you probably know by now, Google Earth Pro is now free to use for everyone. All you have to do is to install the software, enter a valid email address and enter the password as GEPFREE – this is great and a lot of people are now going ahead and using this. Mass Deployment If you want …
Google Earth Pro MSI Installer [2019 Updated] Read MoreWe today ran into an issue where our SCCM OSD PXE boot was not working. It was coming up with a very confusing message stating: “A required device isn’t connected or cannot be accessed” This led us to start looking at the hard drive and the drivers, however, the solution was completely different. The problem was that the RamDiskTFTPBlockSize we …
SCCM OSD – “A required device isn’t connected or cannot be accessed” Read MoreIf you need a WMI query for Group Policy or for Configuration Manager for machines that have Internet Explorer installed and even a version filter, then you can use the following: SELECT * FROM CIM_Datafile WHERE Name = “C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe” AND Version LIKE “11.%” You can then change the “11.%” part to the version number that you would like …
WMI Query for Internet Explorer Installations with Version Read MoreTo get the Shoretel Communicator download for the client software you can easily retrieve it from your Shoretel HQ server and you then have the ability to use the installer in various different installation methods. EXE Format You should go to the following URL in an internet browser on a machine that is connected to the same network as your …
Shoretel Communicator Download Client and MSI Installer Read MoreHave you deployed a Task Sequence in SCCM R2 SP1 and then cannot see it when you PXE boot your machine? Well, this is a bug and it is very easily fixed. All you need to do is go through your normal process of creating and deploying a Task Sequence, but after you have created the deployment, you need to …
SCCM R2 SP1 Deployment Task Sequences Bug Read MoreIf you are looking at doing some housekeeping on your Application Catalog within SCCM for user requests then you will find that there is not a Microsoft supported why of doing this. This has been causing us problem recently having approved software for a user and then the users going onto different machines and installing the software on various machines. …
Housekeeping for SCCM Application Catalog Requests Read MoreA lot of people ask us about getting older versions of Java Clients. So we have now launched a Java client micro-site with all the previous versions that we have available and all upcoming versions. You can download the Offline Installers and MSI files from our Java website using the link below: Download Instructions When you have the offline installer …
Previous Versions of Java Clients and Silent Installation Guide Read More