
Reasons to Choose Gutenberg for WordPress Website Editor

Reasons to Choose Gutenberg for WordPress Website Editor

Here arrives the good news!  With a release of WordPress 5.2, the Gutenberg Editor has also got new updates. The existing  TinyMCE text editor in WordPress has not achieved many changes from along. And, it is now replaced with  Gutenberg Editor. It is named after Johannes Gutenberg. Movable type printing was initially used by him. […]

WordPress Plugin – LinkGather

WordPress Plugin – LinkGather

I am delighted to announce the release of our first-ever WordPress Plugin – LinkGather. A few weeks ago I needed a full list of all of our posts’ JetPack wp.me short links. Having around 2500 posts published meant that it wasn’t an easy task to just copy and paste the links into a text file. […]

How to Export WordPress Shortlinks

How to Export WordPress Shortlinks

Would you like to export all of your published WordPress posts’ wp.me shortlink URLs to a big list quickly and easily? If so, then this post is for you as we show you how, in a few simple steps, you can get all the wp.me links you want. WordPress Plugin We have created a WordPress plugin […]

AMP Reports created with Google Analytics

AMP Reports created with Google Analytics

Are you using AMP but now you want to create AMP reports in Google Analytics? Then this guide is for you! Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) seems to be all the rage at the moment. This is because with the advancement of technology with smart phones and tablets, more people are using the internet on smaller […]

How to Make Your Site into a High-Tech Trusted Web Service

How to Make Your Site into a High-Tech Trusted Web Service

If there is one thing that has changed in a big way over the course of the last decade, it is the importance of online business. Over only a couple of decades, the world has mostly transitioned from an in-person shopping model to one that is usually done from home while sitting behind a computer […]

Move Pagination Directly Under Post in WordPress

Move Pagination Directly Under Post in WordPress

When using the WordPress pagination feature, with some themes it can end up being out of the way and your visitors might not see it. This can cause issues where your visitors will get frustrated and leave your website. This also then starts to push up your bounce rate. I had this problem so I […]

How to Setup your Website with a free SSL Certificate

How to Setup your Website with a free SSL Certificate

Security is a must these days and if you have spent as much time as I have on your blog, then you want to ensure that it is safe for your visitors to come to you and submit information, safe in the knowledge that it is protected and secure. Also as a blogger, traffic is […]

Make Your Blogging Easier with These WordPress Plugins

Make Your Blogging Easier with These WordPress Plugins

Whether you have a standalone or a business website blog, you know the drill. You have to come up with great topics, produce amazing text and visuals, engage, amuse, educate, and inspire viewers, and do it regularly. It’s a tall order, but you cannot keep and grow a following without doing these things. Anything that […]

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