
Exclude Certain Categories from the Homepage on WordPress Blogs

Exclude Certain Categories from the Homepage on WordPress Blogs

If you are using WordPress for your blog then you will probably be using your latest posts to make up your home page. By default, all categories of posts are included in your home page, but what if you want to exclude a category or multiple categories of posts from displaying on your home page? […]

W3 Total Cache Error: Page Cache Rewriting is URL Not Working

W3 Total Cache Error: Page Cache Rewriting is URL Not Working

If you are using WordPress for your blog and trying to set W3 Total Cache, you may find that on your Administration page, you are getting this error: “W3 Total Cache Error: Page Cache Rewriting is URL Not Working. Please verify that the server configuration allows .htaccess” There can be a few reasons for this […]

How to add VK.com to your Jetpack Sharing Buttons

How to add VK.com to your Jetpack Sharing Buttons

If you want to add a VK.com Jetpack sharing buttons then there is a very simple way of doing this. Just login to your WordPress administrator site and navigate to Settings > Sharing: You should then scroll down to the Sharing Buttons section and click on the “Add a new service” link: You should then […]

Blogger to WordPress Mobile Redirection Fix

Blogger to WordPress Mobile Redirection Fix

If, like us, you have converted from Google’s Blogger platform to WordPress, then you will have probably redirected all your posts from your old platform to your new one. Work’s great huh? well yes it does – for normal tablet and computer browsers, but have you tested it with an iPhone browser? You may find […]

WordPress – WP Tab Widget Broken Fix

WordPress – WP Tab Widget Broken Fix

Since the WordPress update to version 4.5, you may have noticed that your WP Tab Widget may not be working. There is an update coming out soon to fix this, however, in the meantime for a quick fix, you can add the following code to your themes “function.php” file: if (!is_admin()) { wp_deregister_script(‘jquery’); wp_register_script(‘jquery’, (“https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js”), […]

WordPress 100% CPU – WP Statistics

WordPress 100% CPU – WP Statistics

You may have seen our post recently about the WordPress plugin JetPack causing our site to crash due to massive resource usage. Well, as we had removed JetPack, we wanted another site stats plugin so we tried WP Statistics. This proved to be even worse, completely taking all our hosting down completely for 16 minutes […]

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