Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL

Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL

The most popular open-source DBMS are MySQL and PostgreSQL, both have wide community of users, a wealth of administration tools and programming APIs. Despite the fact that both are highly competitive, many businesses long to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL for a variety of reasons. These include compatibility with a large range of indexing models, […]

SCCM WQL Collection Query for All WinRAR Installations

SCCM WQL Collection Query for All WinRAR Installations

To automate the process of identifying all systems with WinRAR installed, you can create a custom collection in SCCM using a WQL (WMI Query Language) query. This will allow SCCM to dynamically populate the collection with any machines that have WinRAR installed, making it easier to manage and deploy your uninstall script. WQL Collection Query […]

Reporting on Office 365 Channels with SQL Query

Reporting on Office 365 Channels with SQL Query

If you’re responsible for managing Office 365 deployments within your organization, having visibility into which channels your devices are using is crucial for effective administration and maintenance. With the help of SQL queries, you can extract pertinent information from Configuration Manager data, allowing you to generate insightful reports or visualize data using tools like Power […]

SQL Queries for Make, Model and Architectures of Devices

SQL Queries for Make, Model and Architectures of Devices

These simple SQL queries can be used to pull data from the Configuration Manager database to provide you with a count of all make, model and architecture devices in your business. Instructions To get this information, open a new query within SQL Server Management Studio and copy and paste the query that you wish to […]

30 Useful SCCM SQL Queries

30 Useful SCCM SQL Queries

I’ve been creating a lot of collections with our SCCM recently, so I thought I would share the ones we thought were most useful: Show all computers in SCCM: Show all computers with a specific name: Show all computers with a specific operating system: Show all computers with a specific IP address: Show all installed […]

SCCM Collection Query for Devices with specific software installed and version or below

SCCM Collection Query for Devices with specific software installed and version or below

If you need to identify machines with specific software installed on a device but would also like to know whether they have a certain version of the stated software or below, then you can use the below query. This can help with software upgrades to identify machines that have not yet been upgraded. SCCM Collection […]

Migrate a System Center Orchestrator database to a different SQL Server

Migrate a System Center Orchestrator database to a different SQL Server

We were running through our list of servers and looking at what each one was doing in terms of Domain Controllers, Exchange servers, SQL servers, System Center servers etc when we noticed that we had quite a few servers that were using pretty small databases but had a large amount of host resource allocated to […]

SQL Query to find members of an Active Directory Security Group

SQL Query to find members of an Active Directory Security Group

We recently helped out with a data migration which included creating a completely new set of Active Directory security groups. They wanted all the members to have the same level of access but wanted all the new security groups to have a matching standard. So we needed to create all the new security groups and […]

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