
How to Disable IPv6 on all Network Connections

How to Disable IPv6 on all Network Connections

Depending on your environment, you may want to disable IPv6 on all networking connections, including wired and wireless connections. To do this, you can use a simple PowerShell script: Once you have run this script, you can go ahead and check the IPv6 settings on the target machine and you should see that it is […]

Add or Remove Multiple Application Deployments in SCCM using Powershell

Add or Remove Multiple Application Deployments in SCCM using Powershell

Problem Scenario When using SCCM, you may find that you want to either add or remove application deployments based on what administrative categories each application has assigned. As an example, we had a number of applications for the Marketing department that were only distributed to a Marketing collection we had set up with only Marketing […]

Remove Windows Server Disabled Roles and Features Payload Files

Remove Windows Server Disabled Roles and Features Payload Files

If you are running a Windows Server environment and you are becoming increasing low on system drive space, then you may want to consider removing the built in payload files for Windows Features. Windows Server comes with the payload files readily available if you want to add any additional Features or Roles to your server. […]

Exchange Shell – All Permissions on all Mailboxes

Exchange Shell – All Permissions on all Mailboxes

We carried out a project recently which was to migrate around 150 mailboxes to the Office 365 (Exchange Online) platform. Part of scope of works that was required was to provide the team leaders within the business a list of all the mailboxes and what permissions they had on them. This was mostly a housekeeping […]

Get OU Distinguished Name

Get OU Distinguished Name

There are many reasons as to why you would need to identify an Active Directory Organisational Unit’s Distinguished Name. Most techies out there will use an AD distinguished name when writing or using PowerShell scripts. However, quickly finding what the Distinguished name of a particular OU is not immediately clear. You can click on the […]

System Center Operations Manager Invalid Management Group Removal

System Center Operations Manager Invalid Management Group Removal

We recently carried out some work for a client who had a completely ruined installation of System Center Operations Manager (SCOM). Who had done what to it, we may never know, but it was clear that the only fix was to start again. This was not such a bad thing as they did want to […]

Get folders and sizes for all mailboxes using Exchange Shell

Get folders and sizes for all mailboxes using Exchange Shell

We recently had a request to provide to our Project Management team, a full list of all Exchange mailboxes with all folders within each mailbox and also the total sizes of each folder for each mailbox. This came as a bit of a shock to us and we still have no idea why they wanted […]

Exchange Shell – Get all Shared Mailboxes Information

Exchange Shell – Get all Shared Mailboxes Information

Following on from our previous post about how IT professionals can use the tools available to them to make their lives easier, we have another Exchange Management Shell (EMS) script which will get all the information available from all Shared Mailboxes including the sizes of each mailbox. Guide Open up the Exchange Management Script tool […]

Exchange Shell – Export all shared mailbox permissions to CSV

Exchange Shell – Export all shared mailbox permissions to CSV

Sometimes as IT professionals, we get asked to supply a lot of data to company bosses. This can be extremely frustrating especially when what you want to do is fix stuff, but IT is becoming more and more like an admin role all the time. It doesn’t mean you stop fixing stuff, it just means […]

Powershell – Export Active Directory User Last logged on information to CSV

Powershell – Export Active Directory User Last logged on information to CSV

If you want to export all your Active Directory users last logged on information, you can carry this out using Powershell and then exporting to CSV format. Guide First of all, you will need to import the ActiveDirectory module if you have not already done so. To do this, just open up a Powershell command […]

Powershell – Export all members of all AD Security Groups to CSV

Powershell – Export all members of all AD Security Groups to CSV

Powershell is an awesome tool and can help IT professionals in gathering information in a split second whereas otherwise it could take hours manually. We were recently asked to carry out a number of tasks for information gathering for annual housekeeping. The tasks were varied but were made up of information from Active Directory and […]

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