
Exchange – Disable & Enable Mailbox Features based on Organisation Unit

Exchange – Disable & Enable Mailbox Features based on Organisation Unit

In Exchange you can have a number of mailbox features either enabled or disabled for each mailbox. These features include Outlook Web Access (OWA), POP3, IMAP and ActiveSync. If you want to enable or disable all or any of these features on bulk or by Organisational Unit (OU) then you can use the following Exchange […]

Exchange Server – Get Mailbox Folder Sizes

Exchange Server – Get Mailbox Folder Sizes

If you are using Exchange and you want to see the list of folder sizes a mailbox has, you can open up Exchange Management Shell (EMS) and run the command below: Where: mailboxalias = The alias of the mailbox you want to get the folder sizes of Name = Name of the folder @{N=”FolderSize (MB)”;E={$_.FolderSize.ToMB()}} […]

Remove Deny Permissions from Exchange Mailbox using Powershell

Remove Deny Permissions from Exchange Mailbox using Powershell

If you are an Exchange administrator and are having trouble in accessing other mailboxes although you have full access, then you may find that you need to remove the “Deny” permission on the mailbox you are trying to access. Sometimes this can be your own account or maybe a group like “Domain Admins”. To check […]

Export Exchange Mailbox Address Details to CSV

Export Exchange Mailbox Address Details to CSV

If you need to export your Exchange mailbox address details to CSV then you can run the following EMS PowerShell command to export the name, primary SMTP email address and the mailbox database where the mailbox is allocated. Get-Recipient -Resultsize unlimited | select name, primarysmtpaddress, Database | export-csv C:tempaddresses.csv You can change the file location […]

Exchange Toolkit Panel v1.1

Exchange Toolkit Panel v1.1

Download To download, simply scroll down towards the bottom of this page and you will see the options for this download. Ensure you select the correct one and click the blue Download button as detailed below:

Exchange 2007 – Change a Shared Mailbox to User Mailbox

Exchange 2007 – Change a Shared Mailbox to User Mailbox

You may have seen our previous post about changing a user mailbox into a shared mailbox in Exchange – but what if you want to do it the other way around and change a shared mailbox into a user mailbox? Well, see below…. There is a simple PowerShell command that you can run within Exchange […]

Exchange 2007 – Change a User Mailbox to Shared Mailbox

Exchange 2007 – Change a User Mailbox to Shared Mailbox

If you want to change a user mailbox in Exchange to a shared mailbox, then there is a simple powershell command that you can run within Exchange Management Shell (EMS) to carry this out. Just open up EMS and use this command: Set-Mailbox “user mailbox name” -Type:Shared where “user mailbox name” – is the name […]

Exchange 2007 – How to create a shared mailbox

Exchange 2007 – How to create a shared mailbox

If you need to create a shared mailbox in Exchange Server 2007, then you should first gather the following information about the mailbox: Mailbox Name Organisational Unit that the mailbox will sit in Mailbox Server/Database User Principal Name Once you have this information, you should start up Exchange Management Shell (EMS) and run the following […]

Exchange Server – Anti-Spam Recipient Filtering

Exchange Server – Anti-Spam Recipient Filtering

If you want to add multiple specific email addresses to your Exchange Anti-Spam Recipient Filtering then you can use Exchange Management Shell to run a command to add comma separated multiple email addresses. The command you should run is this: Set-RecipientFilterConfig -BlockedRecipients,, You can keep adding email addresses to the list for what you […]

Exchange Mailbox Limits – Export None Default Quotas to CSV

Exchange Mailbox Limits – Export None Default Quotas to CSV

If you are using Exchange in your organisation and have multiple administrators, then you may need to keep an eye on mailbox limits. In most organisations the mailbox limits are set by default on the database, however you can change the limits per mailbox. So, if you want to see which mailboxes do not have […]

Office 2016 – Outlook and Exchange Compatibility

Office 2016 – Outlook and Exchange Compatibility

With the recent release of Microsoft Office 2016 and the subsequent release to volume licence users on VLSC, a lot of people will be rushing into upgrading to the latest version. However, be careful with compatibility with your corporate Exchange servers… Outlook 2016 will work with the following Exchange Server versions: Exchange Server 2016 Exchange […]

How to export an Exchange Mailbox using Powershell (Exchange Management Shell)

How to export an Exchange Mailbox using Powershell (Exchange Management Shell)

If you want to export an Exchange mailbox to PST with some variables included, then this guide should help you out. In Exchange Management Shell, you can run the following command to export a mailbox to PST with variables like delete all mail from mailbox after export or maybe excluding Contacts or Calendar. The command […]

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