Java Updates to Client Machines using Windows Updates

Java Updates to Client Machines using Windows Updates

After really wanting to get Java updates pushed through our WSUS but never really having the time to look into it, last week I decided it was time to get it done after endless complaints from our users (they dont have admin rights so when they get the automatic Java updates they fail – and […]

How to create a bootable USB SCCM imaging stick

How to create a bootable USB SCCM imaging stick

First you need to plug in a USB memory stick to the SCCM server. Please also be aware that the Windows XP image requires at least an 8GB memory stick and the Windows 7 image requires at least a 16GB memory stick. Once the stick is showing on the server as a usable device, go […]

Updating Flash Player and Adobe Reader via Windows Updates Using SCUP and WSUS/SCCM

Updating Flash Player and Adobe Reader via Windows Updates Using SCUP and WSUS/SCCM

Updating Flash Player and Adobe Reader across multiple machines can be streamlined by using System Center Update Publisher (SCUP) in conjunction with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). This method allows you to push updates through Windows Updates efficiently. Download and Install SCUP To get started, download and install System […]

Google Earth SCCM Uninstall

Google Earth SCCM Uninstall

The best way to ensure Google Earth gets removed is to collect the Google Earth.msi file that is put into the %temp% directory when installed – but you have to make sure that you use the correct version for the version installed. So, create a report in SCCM for all Google Earth installs with file […]

Installing Cisco VPN Client Silently

Installing Cisco VPN Client Silently

This guide provides instructions for silently and unattendedly installing the Cisco VPN Client. Be cautious when configuring this, especially if you’re using a forced install option, as it can automatically restart the client machine without any warning. Silent Installation Command To package up your software and perform a silent installation, use the following command line: […]

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